The artistic projections on the facade of the Basilica of San Isidoro are a sound and light show, the work of the Frenchman Xavier de Richemont that narrates some of the most outstanding episodes in the history of the Kingdom of León, from the arrival of the Romans to the long list of kings of León, through the construction by the Visigoths of the first Christian temples in the city
Other important historical episodes are also narrated such as the Leonese contribution to the conquest of America or the rebellion of the Leonese against the French invaders in the War of Independence The Musac and its cathedral colours symbolise in this projection the current era of León
The screenings will be held every Saturday from 11th May to 5th October, coinciding with the feast of San Froilán There will be two passes every Saturday, at 11:00 pm and 11:30 pm The duration of each screening is about 15 minutes
This is the perfect show to watch right after dinner or while having some lovely #tapas. Our aim is to let UK tourists know how cool Leon is and how much they can enjoy the city.
Looking to come and visit Leon? We are happy to help with anything you need to prepare your trip.